
邱富源副教授(Dr. Chiu, Fu-Yuan)

研究室          綜合教學大樓7樓714室

分機              73034 / 76260

E-mail          chiu.fy@mx.nthu.edu.tw

最高學歷    國立成功大學工業設計系數位設計與同步工程組博士

研究專長    VR/AR/XR教育遊戲設計、STEAM教育、機器人程式教育


■ 賽夏族的語言與文化研究--應用混合實境融入賽夏族小學的語言與文化課程創新(2/2) ,計畫主持人。(NSTC 114-2420-H-007-014)
賽夏族的語言與文化研究--應用混合實境融入賽夏族小學的語言與文化課程創新(1/2) ,計畫主持人。(113-2420-H-007 -005 -)
■ 202238屆科學教育國際研討會,計畫主持人。
(111-2916-I-007 -007 -A1)
■ 中華民國科學教育學會109年度學術期刊與學術推廣活動計畫 ,計畫主持人。(MOST 109-2517-H-554 -001 -)
■ 結合混和實境以及跨文化臨床能力觀點建構全球衛生教育創新師資培訓課程與評估,共同主持人(MOST 108-2511-H-002 -010 -)
■ 部落與大學的族語復振合作模式之發展與延續:以賽夏族為例-透過VR虛擬做中學方式於賽夏族族語句型之學習研究,計畫主持人。(MOST 108-2420-H-007-005-)

■ 原住民族語教師專業成長模式與原住民族語推廣策略之探究分析:以賽夏族語為例--賽夏族語學習之3D沉浸式APP教材開發,計畫主持人。三年期(MOST 104-2420-H-134 -004 -MY3)
■ 探究教師如何運用電子教科書APP於國小數學科之教學,計畫主持人。(MOST 103-2511-S-134-009 -)

■ 閱讀研究議題四:國中學生閱讀超連結文本理解歷程之眼動研究,共同主持人。(NSC102-2420-H134-001-MY2
 應用電腦輔助創意潛能發展於國小低年級學童之研究」計畫主持人(NSC. 99-2511-S-134-001-)

■ 114~116 大學社會責任實踐 (USR )計畫「TNUNAN歌劇音樂會:以文化回應式教學推動泰雅醫療人才培育」計畫主持人。
■ 113學年度教育部補助師資培育之大學辦理國外教育見習教育實習及國際史懷哲計畫「美國聖地牙哥STEAM教學見習計畫」計畫主持人。


■ 112~113 大學社會責任實踐 (USR )計畫「TNUNAN歌劇音樂會:以文化回應式教學推動泰雅醫療人才培育」計畫主持人。

■ 112學年度教育部補助師資培育之大學辦理國外教育見習教育實習及國際史懷哲計畫「美國洛杉磯STEAM教學見習計畫」計畫主持人。
■ 111學年度教育部補助師資培育之大學辦理國外教育見習教育實習及國際史懷哲計畫「美國洛杉磯STEAM教學見習計畫」
■ 110-111學年度「補助師資培育大學辦理精進師資素質及特色發展計畫」子計畫「師資生運用因材網及 ICT於疫情期間遠距教學教材教法之發展計畫」
■ 110學年度教育部補助師資培育之大學辦理國外教育見習教育實習及國際史懷哲計畫「美國舊金山STEAM教學見習計畫」
■ 109~111 大學社會責任實踐基地(USR Hub)計畫「結合教育學院與醫學院共譜偏遠山區醫療 STEAM教育服務計畫」計畫主持人。
■ 106~107年教育部「新竹市與清華大學攜手師培實施計畫」子計畫「新竹市國小教師 Dash &Dot 機器人程式設計師資培訓計畫」子計畫主持人。
■ 105學年度教育部精緻特色發展計畫-子計畫4-1師資生教學APP應用於實務教學之精進計劃,子計畫主持人。
■ 「104學年度教育專業英文詞彙與聽力能力大賽-師資培育盃實施計畫」,主持人。
■ 104-107年教育部「第2期智慧生活整合性人才培育計畫子計畫二 跨領域核心能力教學評量計畫」,共同主持人。
■ 104學年度教育部精緻特色發展計畫-子計畫2-1智慧型情境模擬課室於國小職前教師互動教學能力培訓計畫,子計畫主持人。
■ 103-104學年度教育部「國民中小學整併遷後校園閒置空間再利用及少子女化後空餘教室活化專案計畫」,協同主持人。
■ 103學年度教育部精緻特色發展計畫-子計畫3-2「以翻轉教室概念發展未來教室教材教法與班級經營課程」,子計畫主持人。
■ 101-102學年度教育部精緻特色發展計畫-子計畫1.4「師資生畢業動態永續服務平台」 ,子計畫主持人。
■ 101-102學年度教育部精緻特色發展計畫-子計畫1.5「師資培育雲端智庫建置計畫」 ,子計畫主持人。
■ 101-102學年度教育部「國民中小學整併後校園活動再利用諮詢交流平台(網站)維護管理系統建置及實地訪視工作專案計畫」,協同主持人。
■ 99-100學年度教育部師資培育卓越特色議題計畫-子計畫3.1「未來化的數位專業發展學園計畫」,子計畫主持人。

 ■ 113年新竹市電腦輔助國民中學學區劃分計畫,新竹市政府。

■ 111年新竹市國小應對 COVID-19 師生科技接受度與遠距技術支援需求調查計畫,新竹市政府。

111新竹市國小應對 COVID-19 師生科技接受度與遠距技術支援需求調查計畫書,新竹市政府。
■ 110~111新竹縣110AI智慧城鄉-幼兒AI-KIDs City應用整合計畫案,樂學網科技股份有限公司

■ 109~112年「Dash & Dot STEAM教育機器人課程教學」,諾爾堡兒童課後照顧服務中心。

■ 107~109年「新竹市親子及托幼場所AI陪伴平台建置計畫」


■ Lee, Yen-Ni & Chiu, Fu-Yuan (2024). A Study on Primary School Students' English Learning Motivation through International Robot Competitions. 2024 12th International Conference on Information and Education Technology. 2024, 232-236. (Scopus)
■ 蔡明學、邱富源、李姲霓 (2024)。校長發展校園數位學習的遠見領導策略:從教師認知取向進行探討 。教育研究月刊,364,頁32-48
Yu-Ciao Lee & Fu-Yuan Chiu (2022). Examining the role of Dash Robot in Fourth grade English as a Medium of Instruction using the UTAUT model. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2022, 407–411. (Scopus)
■ Li-Tang Yu, Jayoung Song, Fu-Yuan Chiu (2020, Oct). Using a three-dimensional virtual world to reduce language anxiety and enhance English-speaking performance of EFL university learners: A collaborative project. Taiwan Journal of TESOL (TJTESOL), Vol. 17.2, 65-89.
■ Hsieh, C.-C., Chiu, F.-Y. (2020). The UTAUT Model Applied to Examine the STEM in Hight School Robot Subject Instruction. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1191, 36–46. (Scopus)
■ Hsieh, C.-C., Chiu, F.-Y. (2019). Examining the role of STEM in Twelfth-grade Robot Subject Instruction using the UTAUT model, CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2555, 39-48.
■ 邱富源(2019)。STEAM玩具對幼兒教育的價值及運用。台灣玩具暨孕嬰童用品採購指南,頁12-15。
■ 邱富源(2018)。STEAM教育由營隊轉變成正式課程之發展歷程。科學教育實作學門電子期刊,12

 Wu, P. J., Chiu, F. Y., Mayerová, K., Kubincová, Z. (2018). Educational Robotics at Primary School: Comparison of Two Research Studies. I2018 17th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, ITHET 2018, 8424621. (Scopus)
■ 陳俐淇、王子華、邱富源、沈欣宜、曾敏(2017)。「跨領域整合核心能力量表」的編製-以母嬰生活服務為例。科學教育學刊,25(2),143–168。(TSSCI)
■ Fu-Yuan Chiu & Mei-Ling Hsieh(2017). Role-Playing Game Based Assessment to Fractional Concept in Second Grade Mathematics. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics Science and Technology Education 13(4), pp. 1075-1083.

■ Chiu, F. Y. (2017). Virtual Reality for learning languages based on mobile devices. 2017 16th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, ITHET 2017, 8067813. (Scopus)
■ 邱富源(2016)。從英國2016BETT教育與科技訓練博覽會看行動學習發展趨勢。臺灣教育評論月刊 5(12),頁 35 - 36。
■ 邱富源、林紀慧 、吳淑貞(2014)。翻轉教室 於人才培訓之應用。國家文官學院T&D飛訊(201),頁1-12。
■ 邱富源(2014)。歐盟資訊科技教育發展趨勢:以歐盟未來實驗教室為例。教育資料集刊,第 62 輯 「2014 各國中等教育」,頁 37-53。

■ Fu-Yuan Chiu(2014). The Application of a Cloud-Based Student, Teacher, and Parent Platform in English as a Foreign Language Education. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology 13(3), pp. 178-187. (Scopus)
■ Shih-Wen Hsiao, Fu-Yuan Chiu, Shu-Hong Lu(2010).  Product-Form Design Model Based on Genetic Algorithms. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 40, pp. 237-246.
■ Shih-Wen Hsiao, Fu-Yuan Chiu, Chong- Shian Chen(2008). Applying aesthetics  measurement  to product design” International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 38, pp. 910-920.
■ Shih-Wen Hsiao, Fu-Yuan Chiu, Hsin-Yi Hsu(2008). “An application of combining the skin-color diction and color harmony methods” Color Research and Application 33 (5) pp. 411-423.
■ 楊旻洲、邱富源(2007)。CCD 攝影機安裝方式對轎車駕駛者掌握車後安全距離之影響,科學與工程技術期刊 3 (2),頁 29-38。


■ Chiu, Ming-Yi and Chiu, Fu-Yuan (2024, 11). Using UTAUT to Explore the Acceptance of High School Students in Programming Learning with Robots. IEEE International Conference on IT in Higher Education and Training, ITHET 2024. Paris, France.
■ Lin, Yi-Ju, Chen, Yi-An, Chen, Mei-Ju,& Chiu, Fu-Yuan (2024, 11). Utilizing Padlet for Project-Based Learning: A Study on the Relationship Between Student Formative Self-Assessment and Psychological Capital. IEEE International Conference on IT in Higher Education and Training, ITHET 2024. Paris, France.
■ Hsieh, I-Ling Chiu, Fu-Yuan (2024, 10) . Intercultural communication attitudes when watching different cultural performances - taking STEAM-TNUNAN opera concert as an example. 2024 13th International Conference on Education and Management Innovation. Taipei City, Taiwan.

■ Fu-Yuan Chiu (2024, 10). STEM Curriculum Design and Personalized Education in the Era of AI. The 32nd Anniversary Annual Conference and Global Innovation Summit 2024. , San Diego, CA.
■ Yu-Li Chan, Fu-Yuan Chiu (2024, 9). A study on Dash & dot to improve APL in higher grades of primary school. IEEE--2024 6th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Education (WAIE 2024), Tokyo, Japan.
■ Wen-Ai Li, Fu-Yuan Chiu (2024, 9). Using VR Eye-Tracking Technology to Explore the Perceptiveness of Preschool Teachers in Observing Students with Special Needs in Teaching Environments. IEEE--2024 6th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Education (WAIE 2024), Tokyo, Japan.
■ Yen-Ni Lee & Fu-Yuan Chiu (2024, 8). Exploring the Factors that Influence the Recommendation of Educational Robotics Courses for Elementary School Students. The 8th International Conference on Digital Technology in Education (ICDTE 2024), Berlin, Germany.

Yen-Ni Lee & Fu-Yuan Chiu (2024, 3). A study on primary school students' English learning motivation through international robot competitions. 12th International Conference on Information and Education Technology, IEEE ICIET2024, Yamaguchi, Japan.

■ Yu-Li Chan and Fu-Yuan Chiu (2024, 3) A study on Dash & dot with using cooperative learning in higher grades of primary school. 12th International Conference on Information and Education Technology, IEEE ICIET2024, Yamaguchi, Japan.
■ Wan-Yu Lien; Fu-Yuan Chiu (2023, 12). Enhancing STEAM Education and Bilingual Learning in the United States through LEGO Spike. 3rd International Conference on Social Sciences and Intelligence Management, IEEE SSIM 2023, Taichung, Taiwan.

Christina Hsu & Fu-Yuan Chiu (2023, 6). Use dialogic reading and technology to increase oral language development in Mandarin. 31st National Two-Way Bilingual Immersion conference, Sacramento, CA.
■ Szu-Yu Chen & Fu-Yuan Chiu (2022, 11). An Action Research on Cultivating ESG Talent for Enterprises from the University's USR Program. The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Social Sciences and Intelligence Management, IEEE SSIM 2023, Taichung, Taiwan.

■ Yu-Ciao Lee & Fu-Yuan Chiu (2022). Examining the role of Dash Robot in Fourth grade English as a Medium of Instruction using the UTAUT model. ICETC '22: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Education Technology and Computers, Barcelona Spain.
Chiu, M. Y. & Chiu, F. Y. (2022.5.5). Using UTAUT to Explore the Acceptance of High School Students in Programming Learning With STEAM Education. The IAFOR Conference on Educational Research & Innovation (ERI2022) Washington D.C. USA.
■ Lin C. J., & Chiu, F. Y. (2022.5.5). A Problem-solving Course Designed Based on Micro: Bit to Prevent Mosquitos. The IAFOR Conference on Educational Research & Innovation (ERI2022) Washington D.C. USA.
■ Fu-yuan Chiu, Szu-Min Chiu(2022.3.27). A Study of Electroencephalography (EEG) and Lego Wedo 2.0 on the Attention of First Grade Special Needs Students. The 8th Asian Conference on Education & International Development (ACEID2022). Tokyo, Japan.

■ Chen, S. Y., & Chiu, F. Y. (2020.11.13). Develop a virtual reality course for the aboriginal school in Taiwan with the theme of SDGs. 2020 Asia-Pacific Education International Postgraduate Forum, Taiwan.
■ Chi-Chieh Hsieh, Fu-Yuan Chiu. (2019.12.10-12). Evaluate the effects of STEM education on robotics courses through UTAUT model. International Congress on Education and Technology in Sciences CISETC 2019, Arequipa, Peru.

 Michaela Veselovská, Zuzana Kubincová, Ya-Ting Hsu, Fu-Yuan Chiu, Tzu-Hua Wang. (2019, Nov). Comparing the results of the first LEGO WeDo 2.0 activity in Slovakia and Taiwan. International Conference on Educational Innovation Interdisciplinary Education and Innovation. Hsinchu, Taiwan.
 Chia-Yun Hsieh, Ying-Hua Lee, Fu-Yuan Chiu. (2019, Mar). Cloud library versus traditional print: A comparison study of reading comprehension and attitude of popular science readings in schoolchildren. International Conference on Business and Social Science ICBASS-0388. Kyoto, Japan.
 Wu, P. J., Chiu, F. Y., Mayerová, K., Kubincová, Z. (2018.04.26-28). Educational Robotics at Primary School: Comparison of Two Research Studies. IEEE 2018 17th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training. Olhao, Portugal. (IEEE Xplore)
 Veselovská, M., Mayerová, K., Kubincová, Z., Chiu, F. Y. (2018.11.12-14). A Pilot Study: Comparing the Work of Children with LEGO WeDo 2.0 in Slovakia and Taiwan. 11th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. Seville, Spain. (ISI CPCI)
 Chou, Y. J., King, J. T., Chiu, F. Y. (2018.11.16-17). Using Belief-Based Action Prediction as the Measurement of Theory of Mind Understanding: The Comparison of Two EEG Indicators 2018 International Conference on Educational Innovation. Hsinchu, Taiwan.
 Chiu, F. Y. (2017, July). Virtual Reality for learning languages based on mobile devices. IEEE 16th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training. Ohrid, Macedonia.
 Chiu, F. Y., LIN, X. U., Tu, X. T., Wu, C. H. (2017 July). Research on K - 6 Program Education by Using Robot and Graphic Programming. APSCIT 2017 Annual Meeting Committee. Hokkaido, Japan.
 Chiu, F. Y. (2016, December). Development of endangered languages learning mode by a 3d immersive game. 4thInternational Conference on Innovation Challenges in Multidisciplinary Research Practices, Singapore.
 Chang, M. Y., Chiu, F. Y. (2016, August). The knowledge domains of students react to teacher’s questioning through classroom discourse. The fifth International Conference of  East-Asian Association for Science Education. Tokyo, Japan.
 Chiu, F. Y. (2015, November). Integrating Tablet PC and APP Game into the endemic plants of Taiwan's aboriginal tribes. 6th International Conference on Teaching, Education and Learning, Singapore.
 Miao-Hsuan Yen, Jing-Wen Lin, Jia-Chi Liang, Mei-Hung Chiu, Wanchu Huang, Chun-Keng Liu, Chorng-Jee Guo, Huey-Lien Kao, Jun-Yi Chen, Yu-Ling Lu, Hsiao-PingYu, Fu-Yuan Chiu(2014, December). Factors investigated in empirical studies concerning conceptual change: a review from 1982-2011. The 2nd IHPST Asian Regional Conference. Taipei, Taiwan.
 Chiu, F. Y., Liao, H. M. (2014, December). The Research Of Information And Technology Application On Seventh-Grade Students' English Sentence Pattern Learning And Teaching. 5th International Conference on Internet Technologies & Society, New Taipei city, Taiwan. (pp. 119-122) (ISBN: 978-989-8533-29-6)
 Chou, Y. P., Chiu, F. Y. (2014, November). Using the Interactive Whiteboard and Response system in Special Education. The 9th East Asia International Symposium on Teacher Education, Cheongju, South Korea.
 Chang, M.Y., & Chiu, F. Y. (2014, September). The Characteristics and Problems of Science Education in Taiwan. The 38th Annual Conference of Japan Society for Science Education. Saitama-ken, Japan. (pp. 253-256) (ISSN.2186-3628 )
 Yu, L.T., Song, J., Resta, P., Chiu, F. Y., & Jang, J. (2013, April). Second language learning in a virtual world: A study of a trans-national collaborative language learning experiences. Paper presented at the 2013 Society for Information and Teacher Education (SITE), New Orleans, LA. USA. (pp. 1155-1157) (ISBN 978-1-939797-02-5)
 Chiu, F. Y., Liu, M.C., Chang, M.Y. (2012, October). The Nano Science Teaching of Different Media in Elementary School. 2012 Asian Conference on Education, Osaka, Japan.
 Chiu, F. Y., & Yu, L. T. (2012, July). TRIZ 40 Inventive Principles Apply to the Wind energy education in primary school, The 3rd International Conference on Systematic Innovation, Seoul, South Korea. No.46 (NSC99-2511-S-134-001- )
 Chiu, F. Y., & Yu, L. T. (2011. May). The impacts of grouping and assigning tasks on web game based learning", The 2nd International Conference on Systematic Innovatio, Shanghai, China.
 Hsiao, S. W., & Chiu, F. Y. (2011. January). A Gray System Based Product Shape Design Model. The 9th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Hawaii, HI. USA.

■ 黃敏鳳、蔡柏生、姚正邦、邱富源 (2022. 12.8-10)Learning PQ運用於STEAM相關科系大學生內在動機之初探。第38屆科學教育國際研討會。新竹,臺灣。
■ 謝函書、邱富源(2022.12.8-10)透過 STEAM 教學導入華語句型學習提升學生練習動機之研究-以新加坡國小五年級為例。第38屆科學教育國際研討會。新竹,臺灣。
■ 謝宜玲、邱富源(2022.12.8-10)數位學習教與學的研究現況初探。第38屆科學教育國際研討會。新竹,臺灣。
■ 連婉淯、邱富源(2022.12.8-10) Covid-19 疫情下 線上教室師生互動與視訊鏡頭開啟參與之初步探討。第38屆科學教育國際研討會。新竹,臺灣。
■ 陳思妤、邱富源(2022.12.8-10) Dash 機器人自主學習APP於幼兒運算思維課程之研究。第38屆科學教育國際研討會。新竹,臺灣。

■ 邱絲敏、邱富源(2021.12.8)

■ 謝佳芸、邱富源(2021.4.24)。素養導向的生活課程教學方案實踐:以國小二年級生活課程之光影好好玩主題為例。2021第十七屆科技教育研究與發展學術研討會。高雄,臺灣。
■ 黃品瑀、邱富源(2020.10.16)。以整合科技接受模型探究第一屆新課綱七年級學生之科技領域學習心態「108 課綱素養導向學習的理念與實踐研討會」暨第 42 屆課程與教學論壇。南投,臺灣。

■ 林均璞、邱富源(2020.10.16)。國民小學學生家長對十二年國教新課綱認知態度、支持度及希望感之相關研究。南投,臺灣。
■ 彭瓊嫃、王佳渝、劉巧琪、邱富源(2019.11.20)。虛擬實境眼動儀應用於分析幼兒園教師敏銳度研究。2019全國資訊管理前瞻技術研討會。新竹,臺灣。
■ 鄭毓臻、邱富源(2019.11.15-16)。Wii Fit 遊戲運用於學前特殊幼兒身體平衡能力之研究。2019教育創新國際學術研討會。新竹,臺灣。

■ 許玉珠、邱富源(2019.11.15-16)。應用「素養導向標準本位評量」於國小數學領域之研究--以國小六年級小數的除法為例。2019教育創新國際學術研討會。新竹,臺灣。
 張育慈、邱富源(2017.5)。Scratch融入國小高年級補救教學之自然科槓桿原理之行動探究。2017 ICEET數位學習與教育科技國際研討會,國立公共資訊圖書館。
 邱富源、李雪菱(2012.4)。電子書包遊戲式學習對國一學生英語學習成效影響之初探。「2012 數位合作學習與個人化學習研討會」發表之論文,桃園福華。
 邱富源、蔡佩姍(2011. 6)。資訊融入國民中學自然科教材對學生學習之研究。「教科書百年演進國際學術研討會」發表之論文,國家教育研究院,(pp.115-130)。


 Autodesk 3DsMax Design2011 Certified Professional (證照號碼:00181343)
 行政院勞委會 電腦輔助機械製圖 乙級技術士證照 (證照號碼:001823)
 行政院勞委會 電腦輔助機械製圖 丙級技術士證照 (證照號碼:006991)
 行政院勞委會 電腦硬體裝修 丙級技術士證照 (證照號碼:043912)


 蕭世文、邱富源,中華民國發明專利,服飾、配件搭配建議方法,2012.06.21-2028.07.17 (發明第I:366774號)


■ IEEE International Conference on IT in Higher Education and Training PRASAE 技術委員會委員
■ IEEE International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Education 技術委員會委員

■ 2024 CAST 旅美科技協會 Outstanding Contribution Award
■ 國立臺灣師範大學教育學亞太師資教育學會(APATE)會員

■ 「Computers & Education
■ 中華民國科學教育學會秘書長、理事、學術委員會主任委員

■ 110年教育部「5G新科技學習示範學校輔導計畫」輔導委員

■ 107-111年清華教育學報特約責任編輯

■ 教育部教學實踐研究計畫審查委員

■ 教育部公費留考命題及閱卷委員
■ 國科會人文司專題研究計畫審查委員

■ 國科會大專生計畫審查委員
■ 「教科書研究」論文審查委員
■ 「科學教育學刊」論文審查委員
■ 「Journal of Convergence Information Technology」論文審查委員
■ 「教育創新國際學術研討會」論文審查委員

■ 教育部 113 年度「國民教育中央輔導團生活課程分團」委員
■ 教育部 113 年度「推動中小學數位學習精進方案 - BYOD & THSD 實施計畫暨智慧型互動屏幕結合個人化學習載具補助計畫」輔導教授


2022TSAA台灣永續行動獎」金獎 偏遠山區醫療科技教育

■ 嘉義市
■ 新竹市中小學科學展覽會評審委員
■ 臺北市中小學科學展覽會評審委員

■ 新竹市高中、國中校長遴選委員
■ 桃園市國小教師甄選委員

■ 新竹市國中、國小教師甄選委員
■ 苗栗縣國中、國小教師甄選委員
■ 南投縣國中、國小教師甄選委員
■ 國民小學地方教育輔導教授
■ 本校師資培育中心大五實習生指導教授
■ 教育部科技輔助自主學習輔導計畫-北區團隊成員
■ 「清華STEAM學校」推動委員

■ 客家委員會「101-102年客語能力認證初級考試數位化」推動委員

■ 國家文官學院公務人員基礎訓練課程講座「問題分析與解決」、「創意思考與問題解決」

■ 內政部警政署警佐警察人員晉升警正官等課程講座